• P.O. BOX 335-10303, Wang'uru, Kenya.
  • +254798243616
Award Winning Landscaper

About Our Company


Agitech seedlings is a wholly owned subsidiary of KL Ventures Limited.  We are an independent seedling propagation unit based in central Kenya. We propagate seedlings of vegetables, herbs, fruits, and trees, for farmers of all capacities from large scale, small scale to kitchen gardens, and distribute conveniently countrywide.


Our team is composed of experts who have been involved in successful agro-inputs distribution in the wider Mt. Kenya region and have the requisite expertise and understanding of the farmers needs.


We are experienced and well-trained to propagate a variety of plant species. Our propagation units are equipped to handle the requirements of young seedlings. We continue to learn, expand and develop our capabilities to meet the needs of our esteemed customers.


From our strategic location along the Embu – Nairobi Road, we primarily deal with sales of seedlings of tomatoes, watermelons, cabbages, and other horticultural produce in Kenya. We provide seedlings to the farming community in Kirinyaga County and its environs. Our commitment to farmers is three pronged: Accessibility, Availability, and All-inclusiveness and this is demonstrated in each sale and service we deliver.

To provide quality seedlings to farmers.

Healthy seedlings for a bumper harvest

Healthy crops
Improved livelihoods

Some Features

Reson for Choosing Lawnella

Our Process

Complete Every Steps Carefully

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